【同义词辨析】 2019-06-26 空闲inactive-idle

inactive: applies to anyone or anything not in action or in use or at work: a playwright who's been ~ for several years.   active活跃积极,意思都是忙碌being busy, doing a lot of things,如although he's nearly 80, he is still very active尽管快80岁了,他还是十分活跃, 如they were both politically active他俩政治上都很积极,如active involvement/participation/support/resistance积极参与/参加/支持/抵抗)

idle: applies to persons, their powers, or implements that are not busy or occupied: tractors were ~ in the fields.  implement工具器具applies to a tool or other piece of equipment,如knives and other useful implements刀子和其他有用工具

inert: as applied to things implies powerlessness to move or to affect other things: ~ ingredients in drugs; as applied to persons it suggests an inherent or habitual indisposition to activity: an ~ citizenry uninterested in social change. indisposition不想,是disposition性格倾向的反义词,这个词还表示小病微恙a slight illness,如indisposition seems serious when away from home不在家的时候小病也好像很严重 )   uninterested不感兴趣的

passive: implies immobility or lack of normally expected response to an external force or influence and often suggests deliberate submissiveness or self-control: a ~ individual incapable of strong emotion. (immobile固定不动的mean completely still,如Joe remained as immobile as if he had been carved out of rock乔一动不动,仿佛一尊石雕)

supine: applies only to persons and commonly implies abject or cowardly inertia or passivity as a result of apathy or indolence: remained ~ in the face of verbal abuse.

inactive不活跃: 指人或物不工作活动或不被使用,idle空闲: 指人能力工具等不忙碌占用,inert惰性惯性: 表示物体自身不能移动或不能影响其它事物;或表示人不愿活动,passive被动: 表示一动不动没有反应,常表示顺从克制,supine得过且过苟安: 只用来指人,表示因麻痹消极而可怜懦弱的被动懒惰

记忆方法: 1)首字母IIIPS想成PS III一台PS 3<==空闲       PS是play station缩写  


         3)空闲的意思是不活动不工作mean not engaged in work or activity.首字母IIIPS想成PS III一台PS 3<==空闲    engage最基本的意思是战场上交锋交战implies meeting and combating between enemy forces,引申为参与接触订婚互动等,如本例表示参与